Robert Mugabe led the nation of Zimbabwe from 1980 until his resignation in 2017. During this time he evolved from being the leader of a liberation movement to Racial Reconciliation Chief celebrated by many westerners. In the late 1990s, as his political capital was waning among his own people, he returned to his roots as liberator, launching what became known as the Third Chimurenga (Third War) whose purpose was to redistribute land from white minority farmers to black majority farmers.
Zimbabwe’s land reform also opened the doors for black ownership in previously western and white controlled industries such as mines and local businesses.
The colonial sun set a long time ago in Africa. In 1980 in the case of Zimbabwe hence Zimbabwe will never be a colony again. Never Ever.
Zimbabwe will never be a colony again, Never Ever.
We had to recognize among our people there were few capitalists that had evolved over time. Liberalizing the economy meant we were leaving it up to the multinationals and entrepreneurs to have a field day
We are talking about these companies to whom do they belong to? Anglo is everywhere, Anglo is in mining, Anglo is in agriculture, in manufacturing & do not want to see indigenous people join them.
Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans and so are its ample resources
Regime change who are you to talk of regime change in Zimbabwe?
The Land is ours and it’s not European.
They want to come to us and dictate what we must do not in Zimbabwe, Never Ever
Zimbabwe took arms precisely to achieve freedom and democracy Are you forgetting that it is I who brought democracy to Zimbabwe?
I am not on my knees to the IMF, they can go and hang.
(Source- CNN/AP/BBC Interviews with Robert Mugabe)