African Solutions-Solar power by Patrick Ngowi

Patrick Ngowi is the New Face of Africa, an entrepreneur who has lighted up rural Kenya by providing solar power, protecting the environment and making a living as well as creating jobs and uplifting the standard of living of those around him.

Ngowi got his entrepreneurial streak from non other than China where he was introduced to renewable energy and  he started an informal export business. Ngowi was in China at a time that construction companies in Tanzania wanted raw materials for their business and he was able to be the middle man at a profitable margin.

600 million people in sub-Saharan Africa lacking access to electricity, the power development challenge is enormous. More than two-thirds of the population is without electricity, including more than 85 percent of those living in rural areas. According to the International Energy Agency, sub-Saharan Africa needs more than $300 billion in investments to achieve universal electricity access by 2030 – far beyond the capacity of any traditional development program. Energy will jump start the economies of Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa and several other sub-Saharan countries and spur industrial growth for sure as long as the infrastructure is maintained and corruption is outlawed.

What rural people need are solar stoves for cooking and solar for lighting after all sunlight is abundant in sub-Saharan Africa. Africa has  perfect weather, particularly those of  in the sub-saharan region.

 Ngowi founded Helvetic Solar based in Arusha offering solar products to its customers and its geographical location gave it a competitive advantage. Some of his major clients  United Nations, the Tanzanian Army, WorldVision, and the Lutheran Church. His company has expanded into the neighboring Rwanda. Ngowi has African solutions to African problems and is moving forward by faith as a devout Christian business man.

2 responses to “African Solutions-Solar power by Patrick Ngowi”

  1. pauluine motsepo Avatar
    pauluine motsepo

    a story that is inspiring. it shows that we africans can achieve great things and be on the cutting edge when barriers to entry are low. the young man was in china at the right place,right time for the right reason and it paid off. it is good to hear of him speak of his faith in God as the reason for his success. it show he has a moral compass that will guide him into being an upstanding businessman

  2. nguni Avatar

    truly inspiring