Globalization continuously transforms the things we thought we knew or valued. Most stories we hear are about the Chinese doing business in Africa but now more stories are emerging about Africans consistently going to China to work, for education, business and so forth. Focus tends to lean more on the Chinese presence in Africa than on the African presence in China. Chinese companies have set up huge mining operations, built stadiums, hospitals and infrastructure on the African continent. In 2012, China-Africa trade climbed to a record $200 billion. Now, thousands of Africans call China home and more come every month to seek opportunities.
Most Africans living in Guangzhou are from Nigeria and Mali but there are others from Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, and Senegal. While most Africans are in China for business opportunities, others are looking to work and set up residency in the country. Even though some Africans face visa problems in China, on average it is easier for an African to get a visa to China than to most western countries. Despite the challenges that some Africans face in migrating to China, some young people have found success like Vimbayi Kajese who worked as an anchor for CCTV and a Congolese DJ who has gained popularity in Shanghai.
2 responses to “Africans Living in China”
Yes you have published stories of all people in the african diaspora for ages but none on those in China so we like it when you self correct. Asia & particularly China is the new promised land 4 blacks. The difference with thise who go west is that they become workers & those who go east are business owners. This is a paradox that africans capitalists in the former commmunist nation while africans are workers in the nation of private enterprise.
China is the new America. A true land of promise for africans. It will be interesting to see how race relations unfold.