While South Africa continues to be a beacon of prosperity on the African continent there are clearly some issues surrounding economic independence in the African nation that need to be addressed. As an example from their neighbors in Zimbabwe, it is clear that economic injustice is better addressed gradually than hastily. If ANC waits until it becomes politically unpopular they will be forced to implement measures that will ruin the very economy they are trying to shield right now.
Revelations from this interview include the fact that in the early 1990s Mandela and Harry Oppenheimer held secret lunches to discuss how ANC philosophy would impact capitalist mining interests and the economy in general. As a result of these meetings the ANC changed its philosophy from one which included growth through redistribution to one that specified redistribution through growth. In a sense they shifted to trickle down economics which is evident now as most black South Africans remain in the same position economically. In addition, in order to secure an $850 million loan from the IMF the transitional government had to agree to implement these trickle down economics or not receive the money. The Transitional Committee comprised of eight National Party members and eight senior members of the ANC.
Professor Terreblanche recommends that the government increase taxes in order to build infrastructure like water, sewage and roads in economically disadvantaged areas. It remains to be seen whether the ruling ANC will heed his advice or turn a blind eye and wait for the ticking economic time bomb to explode.
By Lillian Mhosva 2013
Video Courtesy of South African Civil Society Information Service 2013.
2 responses to “ANC & Trickle Down Economics in South Africa”
People don’t need handouts/socialism, they need opportunities
This is very controversial.