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Biden is Sponsoring Regime Change in Black Countries

Ever since Joe Biden became President, there has been an uptick in regime change related activity in black majority countries around the world in the Caribbean and in Africa. Unlike the French, they do not use their military. Instead they are using Non-Profits/ NGOs to funnel resources that destabilize the government and economy while selling stupid western ideas to young people. All this is public information that Africans should read for themselves.


Only a few weeks after the inauguration of Joe Biden as President, the administration began sponsoring regime change and promoting activities that destabilize countries in Africa and the Caribbean. Within 5 months, the Biden administration had sponsored a coup in Haiti and has caused chaos ever since. Haiti has been politically unstable ever since. State department records and testimony from the perpetrators of the crime show that they started corresponding with the Americans just a few weeks after Biden’s inauguration. It is not secret that America has never wanted to see Haiti or any other African countries succeed.

NOW, the US government is sponsoring regime change, destabilizing African government and selling stupid western ideas through several little-known Non-Profits/ NGOs including the National Endowment for Democracy, Solidarity Center, Center for International Private Enterprise, International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

National Endowment for Democracy

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) clams it is an independent, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world. Each year, NED makes more than 2,000 grants to support the projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 100 countries. Interestingly, NED is a private, non-profit, grant-making organization that receives an annual appropriation (budget) from the U.S. Congress through the Department of State. In other words, the US government uses this organization to funnel money into countries to use for so called’ democracy initiatives’. Find a list of funded projects in your country here.


After the failed stay away, that was touted by Mmusi Maimane in Zimbabwe, failed former leader of the Democratic Alliance in South Africa, Mmusi Maimane remarked,

“I will even myself go to Zimbabwe to help them campaign against. I am assisting to ensure there is a campaign for change in Zimbabwe. I have been having a voice in Swaziland and in Malawi; it’s not that it’s just Zimbabwe,”

It’s not because Maimane cares about democracy in Zimbabwe. It is because him and other failed professionals in Africa receive funding from organizations like the NED to advocate for regime change in the name of democracy. Other funds from the NED are given out through their partner organizations, Solidarity Center, Center for International Private Enterprise and international Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

National Democratic Institute

Since 1998, NDI has focused its work in Zimbabwe on promoting credible elections and encouraging dialogue between government and opposition political parties, as well as between parliament and civil society partners. Past programs have included providing technical assistance to civic and political leaders, including Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR), helping develop policy papers and draft legislation, and working to strengthen the capacity of the Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) to monitor elections. Most recently, NDI is implementing a program that supports its local partners to assess public opinion in the pre and post-election periods. NDI, alongside the International Republican Institute (IRI), also conducted a joint international observation mission of Zimbabwe’s 2018 harmonized elections. (https://www.ndi.org/sub-saharan-africa/zimbabwe )

While many Africans work for and advocate for NGOs that seemingly pay more than most jobs in Africa, we must remember that this money comes with strings attached. The US government has an agenda and it is not for the empowerment of Africans, it is for the empowerment of America.