Cry the Beloved Country Zimbabwe

great zimbabwe“Cry, the beloved country, for the unborn child that is the inheritor of the ZANU-PF regime. Cry the beloved country for the children learning in ,with no windows, cry the beloved country for the families torn apart by the Mugabe regime, the orphans of political violence, cry the beloved country for the inheritors of the land that is now being sold to the Chinese for pennies on colonialism 3.0. Cry the beloved country for those that work under sweat shop conditions in the name of indigenisation. The dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of the brutal Mugabe regime.

We can never be satisfied as long as the vote roll from 1985 is being used in 2013. We can never be satisfied as long as land and mine contracts are only being awarded to ZANU-PF members. We can never be satisfied as long as ballots are being inflated and ‘lost’. We can never be satisfied when pens used in the voting booth are made to fade after they have been used to write a vote so that when recount comes they will be dubbed ‘spoiled votes’.

We can never be satisfied when reports of voter intimidation, abductions and illegal arrests are rampant across the land called Zimbabwe.

We can never be satisfied when the internet is taken down and social media sites blocked to prevent citizens from exercising freedom of speech and expression, their God given rights.

Let freedom ring from the mountains of Chimanimani to valleys of Marange!

Let freedom ring from the Lowveld to the Eastern Highlands!

HarareBut not only that; let freedom ring from Gwanda to Kariba!

Let freedom ring from Bindura to Chipinge

Let freedom ring from kwaBulawayo to Chinhoyi

Let freedom ring from Hwange to Masvingo

Let freedom ring from Mt Darwin to Bocha

Let freedom ring from Mzarabani to Mwnezi

Let freedom ring from Murambambinda to Gweru

Let freedom ring from Lupane to Mhondoro

Let freedom ring from Esigodini to Shamva

Let freedom ring from Chirundu to Mutoko

Let freedom ring from Binga to Nyazura

*Excerpts from MLK,Patton’s Works

To Every Voter in Zimbabwe consider this;

First they came for ZAPU, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not in ZAPU.

Then they came for the Ndebele, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not Ndebele.

Then they came for ZUM, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not in ZUM.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the MDC, and I did not speak out–
Because I was not in MDC.

Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me.


Don’t let this be the story of voters in Zimbabwe

3 responses to “Cry the Beloved Country Zimbabwe”

  1. Samantha Avatar

    Thank you for all who voted today. It is your right and you must exercise it.

  2. tina Avatar

    Everyone deserves their leaders.

  3. VivaBatswana Avatar

    Botswana should be commended for standing up for the Zimbabwean people. They have shown strength of character when all the other bozos are so afraid to even speak up against the blatant lack of respect shown in the election on july31st