The Faces of Zambian Politics

President Sata and Vice President Scott (in the middle)

Zambia has successfully elected Michael Sata and Guy Scott as the President and Vice President respectively.  After a few days of political wrangling Rupiah Banda conceded defeat in stating that he had failed to understand the needs of the people. Mr. Sata has run for the Presidency four times before scoring victory.

The election of President Sata marks a first for politics in post independence Zambia with the election of Guy Scott a white politician for Vice President. President Sata was once a member of the United National Independence Party (UNIP) under the leadership of Kaunda, then switched to Mr Chiluba’s Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD). He broke away from the MMD when they failed to recognize his presidential ambitions. From there he formed the Patriotic Front (PF), the party that has ushered him into the State House. As Minister he was often praised for being a competent leader which will hopefully translate into his Presidency.

President Sata has previously made what some people regard as controversial remarks about Chinese and Indian investors which soured his relationship with the Chinese government. In addition he is sighted as having praised Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe for seizing white owned commercial farms. The election of Mr. Sata has left foreign investors uneasy particularly because of their copper reserves. Political analysts point out that young people have helped Mr. Sata win this election in search for change and a better economy where they too can be employed and were more people live above the poverty line. 

We hope for the best for Zambia and hope that true democracy will continue to reign. 

Courtesy of Lillian Mhosva

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