While the majority have integrated into local cultures, some of their African traditions still remain such as Goma music and dance from derived from the term ‘ngoma’ meaning the drum.
In Pakistan, most of the Siddi live along the Makran Coast in Balochistan, and lower Sindh. Recent genetic analyses among the Siddi showed that the E1b1a haplogroup, which is frequent amongst Bantu peoples, in about 42% and 34% of Siddis from Karnataka and Gujarat, respectively. Around 14% of Siddis from Karnataka and 35% of Siddis from Gujarat also belonged to the Sub-Saharan B haplogroup. The remaining 30% of Siddi had Indian or Near Eastern-associated clades, including haplogroups H, L, J and P.
5 responses to “Forgotten History: Siddi in India and Pakistan”
This is the reason the lion must have its own historian.if not for lion’s historian whi would tell this story.
I have always had a theory that the dark skinned Indians were biracial. Mixed Bantu with Indian. A theory which is unproven but the Siddi point in that direction. Give us more GBH.
I am glad Africans are also making stories for us & by us.
Very informative
I am glad to learn something that we didnt know about our history. This shows how migration has shaped the world we live in