For those who do not know who this human rights activist is; Colin Kaepernick was an athlete who in the year 2016 began to kneel during the American national anthem to protest police brutality. In the United States in 2018, police have killed 694 Black people.
The United States has robust systems of courts which are supposed to decide on the fate of a person. What is happening in the US now is alarming as Black Americans are killed by police more than other races. Despite being only 13% of the population, Black Americans make up more than 25% of the victims of police brutality and so Colin Kaepernick believed that he was a voice to the voiceless and decided to kneel instead of standing for the national anthem. Kaepernick’s actions resulted in him losing his job in the National Football League (NFL).
Colin Kaepernick believed that this was a cause for which he was prepared to lose his livelihood to stand up for freedom. He became a voice to the voiceless community and became a human rights icon in the eyes of the young people of America and not just America but the entire world because America stands for freedom for human rights freedom of expression and the freedom of assembly where life is valued. These are the American values and this is where Colin Kaepernick has been fighting for.
2 responses to “Kaepernick: American Human Rights Advocate Gets Nike Endorsement”
This was mighty brave of Nike but African Americans buy the $500 shoes from Nike so they must defend Black Lives.
I read today Nike market capitalization increased by $6BN since Kaepernick advertisement.Genius marketing move