Kenya’s Election Results Annulled: Progress or Setback?

Much to everyone’s surprise the Kenyan Supreme court ruled in a 4-2 decision to annul the August 2017 elections where Uhuru Kenyatta had emerged as the winner. The discrepancies began when Mr. Chris Msando the head of the information technology division of the electoral commission was found murdered a week before the election.

There were reports of ballots that did not have a watermark raising the question of ballot tampering. Kenya requires that electronic results be validated against the paper ballot to reduce election fraud. This is another example of an African country unable to hold credible elections.

The opposition hailed this as a great day for democracy across Africa. The opposition party headed by Raila Odinga saw the election as the failure of one form of government was challenged by the judicial branch. It highlighted the independence of the Supreme Court which ruled on the basis of the evidence that was presented to it. Judicial independence is an important aspect of democracy across the continent. However, the decision may cause leaders across the continent to fill their own Supreme Courts with loyalists and set democracy backwards. How Kenyatta deals with the Supreme Court remains to be seen however; if he wants his place in Kenyan history he must move forward with the agenda that he campaigned on.

The election is expensive and instead of Kenya moving forward they are broiled in election disputes and losing momentum on the success that the country had achieved. Kenya is one of the technologically advanced nations in Africa boasting of mPesa the mobile banking platform that has been copied by US banks, Kiira motors, solar recharging gadgets and so forth. In 2016, Kenya was Africa’s 9th largest economy with GDP of $70.5BN at independence in 1960 GDP was $792MM.

We hope the new elections will help to settle the leadership dispute so that Kenya can keep flourishing.

6 responses to “Kenya’s Election Results Annulled: Progress or Setback?”

  1. Dawn Avatar

    The show is great. Its relatable to alot of young black women and men. So sorry every black show can’t be like the Cosby’s but again maybe this show just isnt for you….and FYI no young girls should be watching this show any way

  2. Claire Mutuda Avatar
    Claire Mutuda

    #ForwardKenya the land of opportunities. Remarkable achievement before independence less than 1Billion gdp now $70 billion & counting.

  3. D Avatar

    Who ever wrote this is very judgemental and harsh. I think the show is very intreresting . There is a sense of truth to the show and it does speak to our culture weather you like it or not . It is not made to compare to what white Americans has on tv it is more true to whst is really going on and it shows the surge ce in what we feel is funny and if anything it makes people think .if it’s not for you stop trying to take jobs from blacks and out here who are working on this show. There are very few blacks writing and producing now . Support and stop hating !!!

    1. Nonthando Mathe Avatar
      Nonthando Mathe

      Judgement is exactly what Black Americans need. If we had more judgement then 70% of children would be born to married parents. If we had more judgement black women wouldn’t be #1 killer of Black babies.If we had more judgement we would be filling halls of industry instead of the welfare line. Judgment is Exactly what the doctor ordered!

  4. Dionna Avatar

    This is the most complaining ass article ever…lol like what the hotep is this?