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Meghan Markle: Was in Love with White Supremacy Until THEY Rejected Her

Last Sunday, Meghan Markle and her husband Harry agreed to sit down for an interview with Oprah. During the interview, Meghan alleged that the Royal family and its staff had been racist and hostile towards her when she married into their family. However, the bigger question Oprah should have asked, is why did Meghan marry into the family that invented racism? Did she not know how racist they were before she married? Why is she acting like she was surprised by their racist white supremacist attitudes? Has she never read a history book before? Did she learn anything in school?

The British royal family in sitting on large swaths of land and wealth because they plundered, stole, and pillaged almost half the planet. The racist royal family is responsible for some of the most racist actions ever perpetrated on human beings on this planet. Yet, Meghan would like to convince us that she is a victim. OPEN A BOOK PLEASE. A simple lesson in history would have given her an idea of the kind of family they are.

Meghan Markle has never identified as black and is only interested in black sympathy now because she was rejected by the white supremacists. If Meghan wants our sympathy, she should get Harry to talk to his grandmother about returning the wealth they are enjoying. #BringBackOurWealth

A History Lesson for Meghan Markle

Some of the earliest involvement of the British monarchy in Africa came through the Royal African Company. The Royal African Company was started under the guise of the exploration of the African continent in the 16th century. The main purpose of the company was of course the transportation of gold and slaves. The Royal African Company traded in gold before they started transporting slaves from the Gambia and Ghana to the Americas. The United Kingdom took responsibility for the horror of the slave trade as Prince Charles stated, “To have this stain that it was an appalling atrocity that left an indelible stain on the history of the world”. BUT they did not pay any restitution. It was mere symbolism.

Between 1680 and 1686, the Company transported an average of 5,000 slaves a year. Between 1680 and 1688, it sponsored 249 voyages to Africa. After slavery, the British royal family unleashed its next weapon of mass destruction on Africa known as colonialism.

Most explorers and early British settlers were directly funded by the British monarchy. Colonialism robbed Africans across the continent of their land and their wealth in gold and other precious minerals. The British royal family was the main beneficiary of colonialism in Africa. The British royals are said to be the largest landowners in Africa and the world.