While Mr. Ruto the Kenyan Vice President was traveling around Africa in trying to garner votes among African countries to pull out of the International Criminal Court (ICC) the terrorists were plotting to unleash terror on Kenyans on a scale never seen on the African continent. Kenya is emerging as an economic powerhouse in East Africa. Its economic growth goes beyond the traditional tourism sector for which Kenya has been known for in the past to becoming the tech giant of not just East Africa but the entire Sub-Saharan Africa region.
Kenyans have made progress in real estate, mobile banking and transportation networks and textiles as well. In short Kenya is moving on up in the same way that the Nigerian, Botswana are all making progress. The events of the recent past of terrorists taking siege of a shopping mall and killing over 70 people and wounding several others is a sign that terrorism has been exported from the Middle East to East Africa. The group that has taken responsibility is an offshoot of ‘al-Qaeda’ known as ‘al-Shabaab’. While all Muslims are not terrorists, all terrorists are of the Islāmic faith. This terrorist group hails from Somalia and claims that their action is a result of Kenyan troops in Somalia. These are just excuses from those who just want an excuse to inflict pain and death upon the innocent. We of course know that Kenyan troops are in Somalia on a humanitarian effort to protect women and children in Somalia and restore law and order. These perpetrators must be brought to justice and their sympathizers punished.
Kenyans deserve to live in peace and enjoy the benefits of many more Kenyans climbing into the middle class and continuing on the path of economic growth.
Colonial Karma/ Colonial Harvest?
I do not believe in karma, but I believe in the principle of sowing and reaping. This simple principle states that one reaps what they sow. In 1975 when the Portuguese left Maputo, Mozambique they poured cement into pipes and damaged all infrastructure to cripple the Mozambique economy. Barely 40 years later an estimated 30,000 Portuguese have left the debt straddled Lisbon for greener pastures in Luanda their former colony. The economy in Portugal is surviving on bailout after bailout but to no avail which has led some to come to their senses and seek greener pastures in Luanda, Angola, Africa. O’ but governments change…how times have changed.
The Melting Pot Boiling Over?
In America the Obama Administration is reeling from a government shutdown that lasted more than 2 weeks. Members of the Grand Old Party an American opposition party have a caucus that refers to itself as the Tea Party which opposes the Obama agenda with vitriol that goes beyond policy differences and has become very personal with reports by a Senior Senator that a GOP member told President Obama, ” I cannot even stand to look at you.” The identity of this official has been withheld for now but this is a new chapter in American democracy and incivility. A demonstration that extremism in on the rise even in American politics. The main disagreement has been over government spending and new healthcare law plus calls for smaller government. The idea of a smaller government is a fallacy in practice in recent years the rhetoric has been popular . Small government can be translated to mean limited number of Federal workers and expansive contractors doing most of the federal work, with little oversight.
Harare’s Eastern Friends Missing In Action
Reports coming out of Harare indicate that hunger is a reality in Zimbabwe. USAID has been supplying Harare with food for those who are on the verge of starvation. Food aid from the United States is expected to be well over $25M and is expected to feed 2.2 million Zimbabweans. So much about a new Zimbabwe with economic empowerment where the country cannot come up with a plan to secure food for its own people. Who can focus on self- actualization and black empowerment without meeting their physiological needs? Surprisingly Mugabe’s Look East Allies have not offered a dime to help the Zimbabwean people avert this disaster or teach the Mugabe regime how to fish. A thank you from the Mugabe regime to America will suffice.
By Ana Mosi-Oa-Tunya 2013
4 responses to “Much Ado ’bout Everything”
Why should African countries be signitaries to the ICC when they prosecuted disproportionately to other countries.
African countries need to have a track record of prosecuting perpetrators of atrocities & genocide in Africa.
the sad thing is that the African leaders like Ruto believe that they should have impunity when they commit crimes. this is such a disgusting trait among african leaders. do not commit the crime then there is no need to worry about ICC
Lisbon is colonial karma