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NORD Vehicles: Made by and for Nigerians

Oluwatobi Ajayi, chairman and chief executive of Nord Automobiles Limited wants to make it easy for every Nigerian to drive a brand-new car so he started a vehicle manufacturing and assembly plant. Nord Automobiles is a Nigerian automotive manufacturer with headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. The business was born out of the need for a made-in-Nigeria automobile brand. Nord Automobiles Limited designs, sources, develops, assembles, distributes and markets unique Nigerian branded automobiles.

Our fleet of Nigerian branded vehicles include the Nord Max, Flit bus, Aso truck, Lasgi big bus, Q3 sedan, Q5 SUV, Nord Yarn, Ben SUV, and Urban sedan. Their Nord assembly plant is located on 2,100 square meters of land space in Sangotedo in Lagos. They are also developing 3,400 square meters of land at Epe where they will build a second assembly plant to meet the growing automotive market and increasing customer demand.

One response to “NORD Vehicles: Made by and for Nigerians”

  1. Afrogal Avatar

    Congratulations Naija👏👏👏 onwards and upwards.