Book Review of Bones The book is set on a farm in post colonial Zimbabwe though when you first read it you think it is still colonial Rhodesia. This is powerful portrayal of the prevailing theme that for the…
Another amazing story about an African who has dedicated their life to changing the lives of others. Evans Wadongo is just that story. An ordinary person who is doing extraordinary things. Evans Wadongo (born 11 March 1986) is a …
Movie Review: The Case Against Skeem and Movies like it of the Movie: Halfway home from a drug-sale in Jo'burg, two wannabe gangsters run into trouble when their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Forced to…
The Terrorist: Jospeh KonyThe Case Against the LRA and its Religious Connections in the US It came as no surprise that American right wing spokesman and demagogue Rush Limbaugh and as soon as he heard the name Lord's Resistance Army assumed that…
These men were once refugees but went on to become Presidents of Namibia, Ghana and South Africa. Their contributions to the independence of their countries does and to politics in Africa remain to this day. SAM NUJOMA …
We continue our tribute on Refugees making a difference with our focus on political refugee Walter Lam (Uganda), genocide survivor Yolande Mukagasana (Rwanda) and Human Rights Lawyer Makau Mutua (Kenya). WALTER LAM When Walter Lam arrived in San Diego in 1986…
The United Nations Commissioner for Refugees is celebrating 60 years and recognizing refugees who have made a difference in the world. Our list focuses on African Refugees who are making a difference especially in the communities they now call home. They have conquered…
Mr Herman Chinery-Hesse has been dubbed the next Bill Gates of Africa. He was recently featured by Inc Magazine because of the technology idea he is proposing. In the midst of the global technological revolution, Africa has been mentioned few times because…
The Man Who Stopped the Desert This remarkable documentary chronicles the kind of story coming out of Africa that we don't hear on any major news network. It is a story of how everyday people make a difference in their community. Yacouba…
The Coming of the Dry Season by Charles Mungoshi a renowned Zimbabwean author penned this book during the 1970s shortly afterwards and the book was banned by the Rhodesian (now Zimbabwe) government prior to independence. Although the black experience is not a…