President Uhuru Kenyatta was declared winner in the 2017 election. Raila Odinga his opponent has reported voter irregularities and small bouts of violence have broken out. Kenyans should defend their democracy but taking human life is not answer. 11 lives have been lost and those are too many lives. Kenyatta is not a saint & we are not in utopia and when his term is finished another should come in and lead Kenya to economic freedom. Kenyatta ought to be applauded for creating an African state that is economically independent. Unlike Rwanda which is often upheld as an African model the Kenyan budget is 100% taxpayer funded which is a step towards reducing dependency on foreign aid.
Rwanda had elections recently which are being called a sham as Paul Kagame changed the constitution to allow himself to run for President after he had reached the term limits. Kagame can take Rwanda to the place that he has taken it. If his legacy cannot stand the test of time after more than 20 years of Kagame rule then he was ineffective. Rwanda deserve progress and development not continued dependency on foreign aid which has been the hallmark of Kagame regime.
South Africa
President Jacob Zuma survived the secret no confidence vote that was organized by the opposition. While accountability is needed in our African politics the Zuma issue should be settled by now and South Africans should focus on the real issues. Poverty alleviation is what Zuma should be focused on and land redistribution is what South Africans should be fixated on.
President Magufuli confirmed that he would serve his 2 terms and step down as the constitution mandates. This is true African leadership where leadership is about ideas not an individual. Mr. Magufuli when he was first elected started his quest to bring responsibility to government and politics and reestablish confidence in the rule of law.