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The Decade of the Woman



The African Union which declared the decade 2010-2020 the decade of the woman produced a publication in October 2010 “Walking the Talk” and Gender Equality. Now that we have for the first time a Woman as Chair at the African Union there are a lot of expectations being placed on the shoulders of Dr. Dlamini-Zuma to make gender equality a reality or at least to make tangible strides towards it.


Dr. Dlamini-Zuma was Minister of Gender Affairs in the Mandela Administration and is expected to bring her expertise to continue the legacy of grassroots efforts that bring gender equality throughout the continent.

The themes that were outlined were

  • Fighting poverty and Promoting Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship
  • Food security and agriculture
  • Health, Maternal Mortality and HIV&AIDS
  • Education, Science and Technology
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Peace and Security and Violence Against Women
  • Governance and Legal Protection
  • Finance and Gender Budgets
  • Women in Decision Making Positions
  • Young Women Movement






One response to “The Decade of the Woman”

  1. proudafrican Avatar

    This talk of women empowerment seems to suggest that women in Africa are not empowered. Does women empowerment mean that men are sidelined then this is not the policy that anyone should be rejoicing about. In your article about Mutoko you were on the right track about family empowerment but i see that you have been bought to promote the woman agenda.