Prince Charles was in Ghana and this trip revealed something that nobody could have ever anticipated; the United Kingdom took responsibility for the horror of the slave trade. Prince Charles stated, “to have this stain that it was an appalling atrocity that left an indelible stain on the history of the world”. The heir to the British throne then stressed the profound injustice of the past that could never be forgotten plus the unimaginable suffering that slavery caused. Britain of course abolished the transatlantic slave trade in 1807.
Prince Charles’ admission about the role of the British in the subjugation of Africans was very groundbreaking. Observers thought Britain was turning over a new leaf apparently in the post Brexit world the Commonwealth is becoming very important the Commonwealth is made up of predominantly nations of African descent and so Prince Charles going to Africa apologizing for slavery was seen as a step in the right direction.
During the same tour to Africa the theme of “the commonwealth was towards a common future” Prince Charles talked about governments and people offering practical means to come together for a better future very inspirational. He also emphasized the importance of the two-way relationship and the influence of Ghanaian heritage in the United Kingdom in business’ academia sport fashion and the arts.
Prince Charles’ youngest son is married to Meghan Duchess of Sussex an American woman of African descent meaning his grandchild will be of African descent. Duchess Megan who has been reaching out to communities which were affected by the Grenfell tower fire that killed more than 70 people in the Kensington area.
Mainstream publications in Britain have strong colonialist white supremacist editors. They are known for abuse and harassment of immigrants and Africans in particular with racial undertones of comment pieces. Since British newspapers cannot generate real news worth paying they create fictional tales to discredit people of African descent to cater to social media trolls who still believe the British are better than Africans. Since the British lost their colonies in Asia and China is now second largest economy in world their last hope is dominance over Africa.
Duchess Meghan’s successful royal tour spurred an article by well-known white supremacist named Camilla Tominey who maliciously wrote a hit piece accusing the Duchess of having links to ISIS. Everyone knows that Royal family associations are vetted by British intelligence so the purpose of these sort of propaganda writings is to paint the picture that people of African descent are suspicious and not to be trusted.
We in the Commonwealth are left with the question is Britain truly seeking partnership or the same colonial mindsets going to dominate. Those colonial attitudes are coming up in British newspapers at the same time Britain says its turning over a new leaf.
Prince Charles & his son Prince Harry may be a fine people open minded and all but are the majority of British people ready to embrace & partner with Africans when they constantly abuse their own Princess Meghan a self-made millionaire, UN advocate businesswoman in her own right are they really going to see us ordinary Africans as partners?
To the British press we are still animals that need to be civilized no matter how much money we make or what we achieve we are still less than. With these colonial attitudes it is easy to see why Zambians look East & favor Chinese partnerships over British colonial mindsets.
These are the same people who will say let us hold hands and sing kumbaya. This double speak from the United Kingdom is confusing. Do they want partnership or are the actions of their media towards their own Duchess reflective of colonialism 2.0? If that’s how they treat family can they be trusted to create a win-win situation in Zambia?
One response to “Prince Harry in Zambia Can British Be Trusted?”
The conclusion of the matter, a leopard cannot change its spots, British colonialists will never change.