We are very pleased to announce that admissions are now open for five
scholarships for candidates from African Commonwealth countries to study
for the part-time Masters in International Human Rights Law at the
University of Oxford, starting September 2012.
The course website can be found at
http://humanrightslaw.conted.ox.ac.uk/MStIHRL/index.php and details
about the scholarships, including eligibility criteria and how to apply,
can be found on the Fees and Funding pages at
Please feel free to circulate this message as widely as possible.
Kind regards
Laura Thomlinson
Course Administrator
Dept for Continuing Education
Oxford University
Rewley House
1 Wellington Square
Oxford OX1 2JA
Tel: (+44 (0)1865 270281)
Fax: (+44 (0)1865 270314)
Email: laura.thomlinson@conted.ox.ac.uk