Solomon Mujuru Dead: Happy or Sad?

Zimbabwe: Retired Army General Solomon Mujuru died on August 16, 2011 in a house fire at his farm in Beatrice. His wife Vice President Joice Mujuru is reported to have been away in Brazil on official business. Maybe his explains why it is rumored he was with his girlfriend who died also.
It is hard to stay away from the rumors of arson as he was a very public figure who exuded a lot of political power in the failed democratic state of Zimbabwe. There has been rumors of infighting in ZANU-PF with the Mujurus on one side and Mnangagwa on the other. It seems Solomon Mujuru is the latest ZANU-PF figure to be killed in the line of politicking. However, he should not be sad as he joins a long list of high profile figures in the party who were victims of succession power struggles in ZANU-PF. He has joined Border Gezi, Elliott Manyika, Josiah Tongogara, Zororo Duri, Mahachi and others.
Should Zimbabweans be mourning? After all he was leading the army during Gukurahundi. Although he left active politics in the 90s he remained a very influential figure because of his liberation war credentials. At the end of the day I have only a few words for Mr. Solomon  Mujuru; “You live by the Sword, You die by the Sword!”
Courtesy of Lillian Mhosva 2011