South African Supreme Court cuts Jail Term for Farmers in Coffin Case

In typical coon fashion, South Africa’s coon Judge Yvonne Thokozile Mbatha has reduced the sentences of Willem Oosthuizen and Theo Martins Jackson. These farmers had been sentenced to 16 and 19 years respectively for attempted murder and other crimes. What is the purpose of having black judges if they do not serve at the interest of black citizens?

A South African court has cut the sentences of two white farmers who forced a black man into a coffin and threatened to kill him, sparking nationwide outrage. Willem Oosthuizen and Theo Martins Jackson had their convictions for attempted murder and intimidation set aside by the Supreme Court of Appeal on Monday.

“This Court has found that the appellants should have been convicted of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm instead of attempted murder,” Judge Yvonne Thokozile Mbatha said, sentencing each man to five years in prison.

“I have considered the rationale of sentencing, namely deterrence, retribution and rehabilitation,” Mbatha said.

She also handed each man a one-year sentence for kidnapping, while Jackson received an additional year’s imprisonment for defeating the ends of justice by assaulting the sole witness in an attempt to stop him from testifying. READ MORE