
The Role of Missionaries In African Society

missionaryIIMissionaries saw the voyages to Africa by their governments as an opportunity for them to spread the teaching of the Christian faith. They used some of the British Empire’s resources and then in turn the empire coerced them to use their teaching to subdue the Africans. The missionaries emphasized teachings of never questioning authority and accepting colonial rule as ordained by God.

When missionaries came to Africa the village that they chose to settle in often welcomed them and gave them land to build their churches on. The missionaries also used their land to build clinics and schools where the African children were educated. The natives who accepted the teachings of the missionaries sent their children to the schools and tended to become educated as preachers and teachers.

The clinics that the missionaries built were used to treat child killer diseases. Many people did not readily accept the missionaries’ way of life but sometimes staring at their children dying of child killer diseases they were forced to go to the missionary clinic to get help. After their children were healed by the missionaries’ medication parents became converted and attended church and embraced the Christian teachings.

In other areas when missionaries did not always see the conversion numbers that they wanted so they began to allow their congregants to mix African spiritualism with Christianity. African spirituality beliefs stated that people communicated to God through ancestors. This was the spirituality of the southern Africans. When the Catholics came in they allowed their congregants to pray through dead relatives to the Christian God to gain more members.

When converted Africans sent their children to missionary schools their African names were changed to Christian names. This was done partly because some of the missionary teachers who were often European did not want to learn the local language or how to pronounce the names. Often the missionaries taught that the African names were pagan.  In other instances Africans had given their children pagan names which glorified pagan deities before they converted to Christianity and given the understanding of the importance of names in both societies.

The legacy of Christian missionaries lives up to this day. In southern Africa most of the leaders who participated in the fight for independence were educated by missionaries or schools built by missionaries. To this day schools set up by missionaries continue to play a pivotal role in the education of  children in southern Africa.

11 responses to “The Role of Missionaries In African Society”

  1. Samson Avatar

    Its interesting to see how missionaries and colonialists were so intertwined.

  2. anna Avatar

    In South Africa they refused to teach inferior education to Africans as the apartheid government prescribed. As a result they were cut from state funds & relied on donations.

  3. sefelani Avatar

    The impact of misssionaries is that they helped colonialists steal the land from Africans. Africans trusted them & yet they pilfered it without remorse.

  4. pepukai vhuka Avatar
    pepukai vhuka

    Is it such a bad thing to have the bible & them having the land? Now we can be missionaries to Europe and take the land.

  5. sandra moyo Avatar
    sandra moyo

    It was important to change names of Africans because names are powerful. It was believed in those days that a child took the destiny of their name. So some parents gave their children name to describe hardships or ooverty they had experienced which burdened the cildren so a new christian name symbolized a removing of that burden.

  6. bruce Avatar

    The embrace of christianity was closely linked to modernity & infrastructure development. Societies that embraced missionaries tended to be more progressive allowing for new farming methods, wells with cleaner water etc. They were more adaptable for the colonial world.

  7. afrika Avatar

    Colonists were about domination & control & when missionaries rubber stamped their agenda they undermined their own moral authority.

  8. ike emu Avatar
    ike emu

    Everyone came to Africa with an agenda for better or worse.

  9. definate Avatar

    Africans were forcd to change their African names which they had named to remember their history, immediately the European missionaries began ton use their names in naming schools, hospital ,roads and cities jus to show their totally domination of the land.There was nothing wrong in Africans to use traditional names which these missionaries go against.

  10. Kuda Avatar

    the gun follwed the cross, missionaries aided colonialists, infact they paved a way.

  11. Kuda Avatar

    African names were just good