Wise beyond his years at 33 Thomas Sankara had the wisdom of the elders and the energy of a young man ready to usher his country into the Golden Age. Sankara took power in a bloodless coup. He had resigned from the position as prime Minister earlier.
How was a young man able to become Prime Minister and later President at just 33 years old? Sankara had been the military man in charge of the border war against Mali. His victory over the better funded Mali army earned Sankara a place in the hearts of the Burkinabe.
Sankara has inspired a generation to aspire for economic freedom and sovereignty. Young Africans in 21st century have no respect for leaders who have left them laden with debt. The Sankara ideas of being debt free are bible among modern day Pan Africanists.

During the 1980s, Sub-Saharan Africa was mired in mounting debt. African countries where not just in debt but were drowning in debt. Africans that followed the Soviet model as well as those that pursued the Western model were all surprisingly in debt despite the different economic models they had achieved the same outcome; bleak economic growth.
Sankara changed the name from Upper Volta to Burkina Faso. Upper Volta was the colonial name. Sankara believed that naming oneself was part of excising liberty. A name means something in Africa and naming the country gave Burkinabe authority over their land. Burkina Faso means land of the upright or incorruptible people. This name reflected the aspirations of the people to become people of character and accountability among the Burkinabe. It is important for a people to define themselves and not be defined by their colonial master. Some African countries are still using names given to them as a result of the Berlin Conference also known as Scramble for Africa of 1884.
Thomas Sankara once declared “You cannot kill ideas” 30 years later he continues to inspire young African leaders to do for self and take responsibility for their country’s welfare. Sankara taught young Africans to live on their feet and not live on their knees begging other men for food.
3 responses to “Thomas Sankara Inspires African Young Leaders”
It is interesting that both countries that followed Soviet style and Western style all ended up in poverty. Different models same destination….baffling. This is reason Sankara called for African solutions for Adrican problems.
Sankara a man among men. A leader of leaders.
Compaore lives in exile. He will be forgotten in history and only remembered as the traitor who killed Sankara a genuine African hero. Someone we are proud of. Long live Legacy of Sankara.