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Trump Role Model Reagan called Africans Monkeys

Ronald Reagan was the first to use the slogan, “Make America Great Again!” His presidency is the blueprint for US President Donald Trump. Trump and Reagan had their roots in Hollywood and were the ultimate showmen. They both knew how to manipulate emotion and promote the most divisive nature of politics. Both Presidents embraced the ideas and politics of white supremacy.

President Donald Trump’s mentor and role model Ronald Reagan had disdain for Africans. He did not equate Africans to be equal with white people.  In October 1971, the United Nations voted to recognize the People’s Republic of China and the Tanzanian delegation voted to remove Taiwan from the United Nations. Reagan was perturbed and did not have a problem expressing displeasure.

During that time Reagan was Governor of California so he called Richard Nixon who was US President at the time to express his disdain for Africans.

To see those monkeys from those African countries, damn them, they are still uncomfortable wearing shoes

Ronald Reagan

Reagan did not think that Africans had a right to express their free will to decide how to vote at the United Nations. The Africans voted for Chinese because the Chinese had helped many African countries overthrow ruthless barbaric colonial governments.

These cannibals on television last night,  Christ, they weren’t even wearing shoes, and here the United States is going to submit its fate to that,’ and so forth and so on

Ronald Reagan

The tapes had been buried and concealed to do damage control on the reputation of Ronald Reagan. A historian Tim Naftali, a history professor at New York University (NYU) uncovered this plot and revealed the tapes much to the embarrassment of the Reagan apologists. The apologists would rather have the world forget the true extent of Reagan’s white supremacists views.

Ronald Reagan was a white supremacist; an advocate and staunch defender of the brutal apartheid system. He vetoed legislation which supported democracy and freedom in South Africa instead opted to support apartheid.

  • In the 1980s, Republican idol Ronald Reagan vetoed sanctions against the apartheid government of South Africa and was a staunch supporter of that evil barbarous government.
  • In the 1960s, Ronald Reagan was a Democrat who converted to the Republican Party after the Democrats voted to end segregation and oppression against African Americans in the United States.
  • Ronald Reagan declared war on affirmative action which leveled the playing field for African Americans for equal opportunities and pay.
  • The Republicans under Ronald Reagan waged war on the federal government because that has been the vehicle that has protected black people against racism. First with the Emancipation proclamation declared by President Abe Lincoln that freed slaves by and the Civil Rights legislation of 1960s by President Lyndon Johnson.
  • The Federal government is the only employer in America where African American people are paid comparable to their Euro American counterparts. In American industry African Americans make 70c for every dollar Euro Americans make.

One response to “Trump Role Model Reagan called Africans Monkeys”

  1. African Landowner Avatar
    African Landowner

    Ronald and Ronald are juve turkeys. People of Africans or people with African ancestry should not support them or defend their racist policies.