Alice Lloyd College, Pippa Passes, Ky. http://www.alc.edu/
Undergraduates: 598
Tuition: $4,460
Alice Lloyd College is widely recognized as a highly respected, private, four-year, liberal arts institution dedicated to providing leadership education to some of the brightest and best students in the Appalachian region. We believe in our students so much that we guarantee the cost of tuition for students residing in our 108-county service area. For this reason, we are continually recognized by U.S. News and World Report as the “Top College for Graduating Students with the Least Debt.” Students are expected to work 10 hours a week in campus jobs that include cutting grass, serving as lifeguards and staffing the on-campus day care. Students from outside the no-tuition zone can make up to $1,160 in campus jobs to offset their tuition bills.
Barclay College, Haviland, Ks. http://www.barclaycollege.edu/
Undergraduates: 198
Tuition: $11,000
Barclay College was founded by Quaker settlers in Haviland, Kansas in 1917 as the Kansas Central Bible Training School and was formally known as Friends Bible College from 1925 to 1990. The college’s main campus is located in south-central Kansas on US Highway 54/400 between Dodge City and Pratt. This location combines the advantages of a very friendly, safe, small-town environment with easy access to larger-town services about ten to twenty minutes from campus. The campus itself is an attractive, open campus of approximately seventeen acres and eight major buildings. Plans are in place for the future development of the Ross Center for the Fine Arts.
Barclay College welcomes students from all evangelical faith traditions who seek a rigorous academic setting with a solid biblical foundation. Our mission is to prepare students in a Bible-centered environment for effective Christian life, service, and leadership. Our undergraduate programs include Bachelor degrees in Youth Ministry, Pastoral Ministry, Worship Arts, Bible/Theology, Missions, Psychology and Family Studies, Sports and Recreational Leadership, Elementary Education, and Business Administration. Our graduate programs includes a Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership. Barclay College transforms students into effective servants with an increasingly coherent Christian world view that is developed through a vital faith community. Our professors are gifted practitioners and scholars in their field of study, and genuinely care about each student.
Since 2007, this four-year bible college has offered free tuition to full-time students who pay to live in the dormitories. Known for its ministry degrees, it also offers degrees in education, business administration, and psychology and family studies.
Berea College, Berea, Ky. http://www.berea.edu/
Undergraduates: 1,661
Tuition: $22,100
Berea College, founded by ardent abolitionists and radical reformers, continues today as an educational institution still firmly rooted in its historic purpose “to promote the cause of Christ.” Adherence to the College’s scriptural foundation, “God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth,” shapes the College’s culture and programs so that students and staff alike can work toward both personal goals and a vision of a world shaped by Christian values, such as the power of love over hate, human dignity and equality, and peace with justice. This environment frees persons to be active learners, workers, and servers as members of the academic community and as citizens of the world. The Berea experience nurtures intellectual, physical, aesthetic, emotional, and spiritual potentials and with those the power to make meaningful commitments and translate them into action. Berea guarantees each student the equivalent of a four-year full-tuition scholarship. Students are required to work a minimum of 10 hours a week in campus jobs.
College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Mo. http://www.cofo.edu/
Undergraduates: 1,377
Tuition $18,030
C of O is committed to its founding mission of providing a quality, Christian education to those who are found worthy, but who are without sufficient means to obtain such training. Instead of paying tuition, all full-time students work campus jobs to defray the cost of education. Upon complete participation in the Work Education Program, the College guarantees to meet the entire cost of education for students, allowing them the opportunity to graduate debt-free. The College openly discourages debt by not participating in any federal, state, or private loan programs and leads by example through having no institutional debt of any kind. Students work 15 hours a week at one of 80 campus jobs, including milking cows, gardening and staffing the school’s hotel and restaurant. They are also expected to put in one 40-hour work week a semester. If they want to cover the cost of room and board, they can take on a full-time campus-provided job over the summer.
Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, Pa. http://www.curtis.edu/
Students: 165
Tuition: $36,500
The Curtis Institute of Music educates and trains exceptionally gifted young musicians for careers as performing artists on the highest professional level. One of the world’s leading conservatories, Curtis is highly selective, with an enrollment of about 165. In this intimate environment, students receive personalized attention from a celebrated faculty. A busy schedule of performances is at the heart of Curtis’s distinctive “learn by doing” approach, which has produced an impressive number of notable artists since the school’s founding in Philadelphia in 1924. Grounded in this rich heritage, Curtis is looking to the future in a flexible and forward-thinking way, evolving strategically to serve its time-honored mission. All students automatically receive full merit-based tuition scholarships. They must pay room and board, but some 125 students also get some type of financial aid to help cover those costs.
Deep Springs College, Big Pine, California http://www.deepsprings.edu/home
Undergraduates: 26
Tuition, room and board: $50,000
Leadership and enlightened service are the aims of Deep Springs, which fulfills its educational mission by bringing students into intense contact with nature, work, and ideas. Deep Springs’ challenging and comprehensive educational program is designed for a few of the most promising students entering college each year. No tuition or fees are levied, but strenuous effort, self-governance, and selfless service to the community are expected of everyone. The college takes sound principles of teaching and learning to their practical limits. Based on a cattle ranch in an isolated desert-mountain valley, the college enables its twenty-six male students to experience and take year-round responsibility for a largely self-sustaining community, ranch, and farm, while requiring them to engage in a two-year liberal arts honors program. Learning is pursued to solve real problems, both practical and social, for the joy of intellectual understanding and humane action. Those who are educated at Deep Springs incur a lifelong obligation to improve the human condition.
At this alternative, two-year college, students work a minimum of 20 hours a week either in campus jobs or on the cattle ranch and alfalfa farm attached to the school. Jobs range from washing dishes to delivering calves. Deep Springs covers room and board as well as tuition. The school was all-male until it voted to admit women starting in 2013, though that decision has been delayed by a legal challenge from one of the trustees. Most Deep Springs students transfer to four-year colleges, including top schools like Harvard and Yale.
Macaulay Honors College at the City University of New York (CUNY), New York, N.Y. http://www.macaulay.cuny.edu/
Undergraduates: 1,730
Tuition: $5,730
Rooted in the vitality of our home city, and the intellectual energy, academic tradition, and individuality of CUNY’s senior colleges, Macaulay provides outstanding educational opportunities, advising and financial support, the tools our most talented students need to excel in New York City and the world, in college and in life. Selected for their top high school records and leadership potential, each Macaulay student is awarded a full-tuition merit scholarship, giving them the freedom to pursue their academic goals without financial burdens. To get the full-tuition scholarship, students must be New York state residents. Macaulay students are spread out over eight campuses in five boroughs. In addition to the tuition coverage, each student gets a laptop, free tech support and a $7,500 “opportunities fund,” to encourage study abroad, internships and community service. Out-of-state students admitted to the program pay tuition of $15,300
Webb Institute, Glen Cove, N.Y. http://www.webb-institute.edu/
Undergraduates: 85
Tuition: $41,000
Located in Glen Cove, NY on the Long Island Sound, Webb Institute is a unique, top-ranked undergraduate institution offering one academic option, a double major in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. It is also the only full-tuition scholarship private undergraduate program of its kind in the country. Webb Institute is a national asset. The school’s rigorous academic program and full-tuition scholarships are testament to the foresight, generosity and greatness of its founder.
Student Body: 80 undergraduates
Faculty: 11 full-time teaching faculty. The student to faculty ratio is about 7:1. There are no teaching assistants at Webb. The faculty are the instructors in both the classrooms and laboratories, and they maintain “open door” policies in support of student success.
Job placement: Our job placement rate is 100 percent. Graduate-school placement is also high: Change Magazine has ranked Webb fifth in the nation as a source of empirical science Ph.D.s.
Tuition: It’s true: all students admitted to Webb receive a four-year, full tuition scholarship. Costs are limited to room, board, books, laptop and software.
The highly selective school covers complete tuition. All do a double major in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Students are also required to work in some aspect of the marine industry for two months, in January and February. Students keep what they earn in the internships.
2 responses to “U.S. Colleges With Free Tuition”
thank you for the resources, we appreciate you sharing knowledge thats going to enhance our lives
Thank you I hope to go to America oneday and study there