It turns out that US First daughter Malia Obama has an internship working as a production assistant at a Spielberg film set for the film Extant. Malia joins other former First daughters in the media arena Chelsea & Jena & Ron. Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky daughter of President Bill Clinton 42 is an NBC correspondent.
Malia apparently prefers a more behind the scene role in media as an aspiring film maker and help cement her daddy’s legacy and their causes.Jena Bush Hager daughter of George W Bush 43 is an anchor on NBC’s Today Show as has scored interviews with the current President and First Lady of the United States.
The conservative role model former President Ronald Reagan’s son Ron Reagan, was given a spot on ABC’s “Good Morning America” during his father’s tenure as #40.
Reports state that Malia has spent her time behind the camera and behind the computer learning the basics of film making and getting a real hands on experience. This experience also includes some non flattering work such as getting coffee for the cast members. It reminds us that Malia is after all not a princess but an ordinary US citizen who happens to be related to the most powerful man in the world.
There are high hopes for Malia Obama who is still a high school student to become the lion’s historian when she is in charge of content in the near future. We remember Malia with her camera on the pre-inauguration historical train ride that her dad took before he was sworn in January 2009, we certainly hope Malia will release some of that footage as part of her maiden film making ventures and tell the story of the historical inauguration from the ultimate insider’s perspective.