Walter Masocha: A Jim Jones In The Making?

Walter Masocha (Founder and Archbishop at Agape For All Nations Church International)

masochaMasocha seen here walking on congregants jackets as a red carpet, and taking human worship to another level is currently facing sexual abuse charges in Scotland. In addition, several congregants accuse him of financial, emotional and other forms of abuse they suffered while attending his various church locations in the United Kingdom.

Seven years ago Walter Masocha was a professor of Accounting at a University in Scotland and a part time preacher with a group named Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA). It is not clear what the circumstances of his departure from this church were but reports suggest that he was sacked for various forms of abuse. After leaving ZAOGA in mysterious circumstances he says he he was in prayer one day when he saw clouds and rainbows and a voice telling him to start Agape church in Stirling Scotland.

masocha3However, seven years later many members have left the church disgruntled about what they describe as rampant sexual, financial and emotional abuse. During church services it is reported that women sit in his lap calling him daddy and others kneel before him in worship. The Archbishop, Walter Masocha is currently married to Judith Lewis but according to people close to the family she was his second wife which has raised questions regarding his eligibility to be a Bishop if one is to follow biblical teaching. The Christian Bible teaches that a Bishop should have one wife and having any more disqualifies an individual to that high office as prescribed in the christian doctrine.

Agape for All Nations Church International is 7 years old and does not own a single building. Members who have spoken out say tithes and offerings and special offerings are collected at local assemblies called satellites and forwarded to Stirling the Headquarters of Agape leaving local members to finance operating costs out of their pockets. When the Archbishop flies to local assemblies it is the local parishioners that have to foot the bill. Former members say this put a financial strain on their family life because Masocha and his entourage and bodyguards only fly British Airways, only drink Evian water and mostly only stay in luxury 5 star accommodation. Many left the church due to monetary pressures exerted on them to finance the leader’s lifestyle. Former members report that even when a member would like to be married by the Bishop, they have to purchase a tailor made suit, fly the Bishop in first class and pay for his accommodation before he can officiate at a wedding ceremony.

Masocha has degree from the unaccredited Friends International Christian University which has graduated notable scandal ridden pastors such as  Clarence McClendon & Ida Hilliard. Despite professing to be of the protestant pentecostal faith Masocha’s regalia resembles that of the Pope in Rome. He demands that his congregants refer to him as ‘daddy’ despite the fact that the Christian Bible in Matthew 23:9 forbids this practice where the head of the church Jesus Christ stated “Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.” Masocha can be seen regularly walking on congregants jackets .In services men are assigned the task of wiping off his sweat as he preaches and former members report that members drink his leftover coffee or tea and use his used bed sheets in order to receive the blessing that he has.

Allegations of sexual misconduct have surrounded the church and yet the church has remained largely silent. Lately they have resorted to threatening the blogger Jean Gasho  a former member of Agape whose blog  is a forum that brought to light the covered up abuses at the church;and publisher of Lance Guma who broke the story with bodily harm. In retaliation, Agape and Masocha’s supporters have launched scathing attacks on Jean Gasho through their blog by exposing her parents and siblings all the while still preaching that Agape is a church about love.

masocha2Through Jean Gasho’s blog many fomer and current members report that parents whose children were sexually violated by Masocha or at Youth Conferences by other members have received large sums of money not to press charges against the perpetrators. The culture of silence is a reminder of the the fear that many who lived under the repressive Mugabe regime have for authority figures. They fear going to report the abuse because of his status as a man of the cloth. Many of the women who were abused are illegal immigrants and fear that going to the police will jeopardize their status in the U.K and that they will be deported so they suffer in silence.

It has been reported that there are members of the church who took off work to fast and pray for their leader. Some have taken out loans to help with his bail and erroneously use the scripture ‘touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm’ they believe that it applies to their leader who cannot be questioned and rules with absolute decree in the name of God. They suffer abuse and load off huge sums of money in the hope that one day they too will be blessed to live the opulent lifestyle of Masocha.

However, as the Archbishop prepares to stand trial for the sexual allegations he is facing there are reports that the bishop has moved his holdings offshore as Jim Jones did in moving to Gayana when investigations into his ministry started. There are many who are concerned that their family members will sell their homes and move overseas in the name of following the vision of the man of God and end up drinking the ‘kool aid’. These family members refuse to ask Masocha to deny the assertions because up to now he is yet to deny publicly the allegations. The major concern is not that they are nonchalant about the matter but that they fear falling out of favor with Masocha as they have seen happen to those who asked him about the grievances filed against him.

It remains to be seen what the fate of Agape Church or Walter Masocha will be but it is a constant reminder of church and religion can be abused and sometimes with grave consequences as was the case with Jim Jones. Jim Jones was the founder and the leader of the Peoples Temple who in 1978 led 909 of his members to drink cyanide laced drink in Jonestown, Guyana in the name of following their leader.

Additional articles on the rise of  Cults and Mystics may be useful.


20 responses to “Walter Masocha: A Jim Jones In The Making?”

  1. SamChiko Avatar

    Why is it that things like this seem to happen to Zimbabweans a lot these days? What is it about Zimbabweans that makes them vulnerable to people like him?

  2. uk Christians Avatar
    uk Christians

    Masocha is a thieving scoundrel of the highest order. He worships satan.

  3. stanley Avatar

    this is sad, taking advantage of poor immigrants. he shall be judged.

  4. Afro truthteller Avatar
    Afro truthteller

    Masocha was arrested on charges of child molestation and rape. It is common knowledge that he raped his wife’s two teenage sisters and bribed the family so that they they would not press charges against him. this is no bishop just another money hungry, testosterone filled thug.

  5. taurayi Avatar

    I was disappointed that the article did not reference Masocha criminal record. This guy was defined bail @ one time. He is also a rapist.he has disgraced immigrant Christians worldwide.

  6. taurayi Avatar

    Sam you asked why does this happen in Zimbabwe? well there is correlation between years spent under colonialism & being gullible people. While others were fighting for independence Zimbabweans were content with their white masters. When they finally woke up it was 20 years later. As much as they have been reduced to poverty they still believe in Mugabe & his failed policies. They even applauded Mugabe who confessed at his birthday party that he consults False prophets for economic policy & they believe this is black empowerment. Im shaking my head do you think these people would object to Masocha?

  7. nyamuzoo Avatar

    I could see it coming, Masocha has troubled a lot of his church member in the name of worshiping. I came across one of their church member who died living in a one room while all his earnings were subjected to church activities as well as tithe and offering. Some ex membes even testify that if u are in Agape u don’t have time for yourselves everytime it’s all about church, church all the time. May God help all Zimbabweans

  8. Alex Katsande Avatar
    Alex Katsande

    has this case be jeopardised – This guy may walk free if the Judge and jury feel he has been tried by internet and social media thereby preventing justice – just saying – not a lawyer

    1. trymore Avatar

      The courts have spoken read BBC masocha is guilty. Guilty guilty. He is awaiting sentencing.

  9. Denzel Pooley Avatar
    Denzel Pooley

    Cant believe someone still blaming colonialism for all the wrongs perpetuated by the African man. I would suggest the arrogance is due to family members pouring adoring eulogies on uninspiring people, one only has to look at the arrogant names given out such as Princess. I’m sure if African men were more family orientated and less egocentric the whole cursed continent would improve, but for that one has to fight for one’s rights and not flee to Europe.

  10. justice seeker Avatar
    justice seeker

    Today walter masocha found guilty of molestation on minor & sexual assault of woman. Justice will be aerved when he serves time though others are saying he will run away to zimbabwe since he has 2 passports.

  11. kay Avatar

    He without sin let him cast the first stone

  12. claire mutoko Avatar
    claire mutoko

    Masocha was convicted of child molestation & sexual abuse & now due for sentencing in may. He is a registered sex offender.when a man plays a god like persona he cannot be denied anything in his mind which leads to big sexual appetite.masocha u can’t sleep with all women in your cult.

  13. mubanga Avatar

    God have mercy on all of you persecutors of men of God.Jesus or Barabas.You all are carnal.its carnality at work in you.h

    1. admin Avatar

      We are a fact based resource center and according to the Holy Bible the text that governs the conduct of Pastors we have used it to validate our reporting.

      According to 1 Timothy 3
      A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
      Masocha has two wives which disqualifies him from this leadership poition
      Masocha lacks good behavior- He is a convicted sex offender the Scottish courts found him guilty in 2015. He molested and assaulted hundreds of women. We have first hand reports from those abused by this immoral man.He had women in his church massage his body, etc.
      3Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
      4One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
      5(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
      6Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
      7Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
      Masocha destroyed dozens of families with his erroneous teaching and vulgar messages which do not conform to the sacred text. We are using the Christian bible as the basis of our reports and his conduct falls short of the requirements of Christian living as prescribed by the Bible.

    2. kbw Avatar

      Mubanga you need to read your bible & stop drinking the kool aid. If you are really a Christian why don’t you read your bible. Seriously its embarrassing the way you ignorantly carry on defending a pedophile & convicted sex offender.

    3. nenna Avatar

      How do you expect your children to respect u when u stand up 4 a convicted sex offender? Shameless man.

  14. afrogal Avatar

    British justice system a joke. Convicted pedophile masocha serves no jail time.

  15. afrojusticeseeker Avatar

    #blacklivesmatter- just because it is a black girl who was molested scottish courts look the other way & give middle finger to justice by giving masocha no jail time.

  16. Lucy Avatar

    Since when do you pay bail in Scotland? Pity you make your research before publishing.