It was the 35th President of the United States of America J.F. Kennedy who first posed the question in January 1961 “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what can you do for your country.My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”
Many people who live in the Diaspora always ask the question what can I do to help my country and community? What are the main problems that are plaguing Southern Africa or your country specifically? Share some of your stories. This is an inspiring story of Africans helping themselves. A life worth living is one that worth making a difference to empower and improve the lives of others. Joseph Lekuton of Kenya is attempting to make a difference in the remote area of Northern Kenya. Let us hope that his program can transcend the huge cloud of tribalism that always seems to hinder progress in Kenya.
Developing infrastructure is so important as the continent participates in the global marketplace. Why don’t some go back to help their countries? Share your stories of advancing the freedom of mankind in your home country with us so that we can celebrate your story.
Joseph Lekuton: The Man
Born into a Maasai tribe in Northern Kenya, Joseph Lekuton was chosen to attend a missionary boarding school as a child, sometimes walking 50 miles during vacations to find and rejoin his nomadic family. He won a scholarship to St. Lawrence University, then attended Harvard, and worked as a writer and history teacher in Virginia. He was named a National Geographic Emerging Explorer for his work in sharing the culture of Kenya with America, including efforts to share educational resources with nomadic children through the BOMA Fund and Cows for Kids.
In 2006, after a plane crash killed five members of the Kenyan parliament, Lekuton decided to return to Kenya and stand for election to fill the seat in his region. He won a parliamentary seat in the 2006 by-election, and was a member of the winning party in the December 2007 elections, the results of which continue to be contested throughout Kenya
What can you do to help your country? Answer that question today!
Part of this publication Courtesy of 2011
2 responses to “What Can you Do to Help your Country? A story by Joseph Lekuton”
Well i am comfortable in America and will nver goback to the dark continent. NEVER EVER. I am out never to look back at the darekness
Ignorant fool