When we hear about success in tech we often read the stories of mostly young white males who are creating the next “BIG” thing. The new millionaires of this century are often tied to creating the best App, website, software. However in this article we want to highlight a few success stories that show the diversity of success in technology. You may have heard or some of these and we hop you will learn more from them.
1. Hajj Flemmings– Gokit, launched a professional online platform.
2. Pius Uzamere– BeCouply , helps couples have a more adventurous social life.
3. Wayne Sutton– Vouch, co-founder of NewMe.
4. Anthony Frasier– Playd, designed an app that is used to rate interact with video game fans.
5. Tiffani Bell– Pencil You In, developed a site you can use to set hair appointments. I like this and I hope it can become an app because it could be very useful in our own community.
6. Hank Williams– Kloud.co, which allows you to search information in the cloud.
7. Crisson Jno-Charles– Fetchmob, developed a site where users can post shopping jobs for friends. This is my personal favorite because grocery shopping or errands become too much of a chore. I hope retailers support this as well.
8. Angela Benton– Cued, started Black Web 2.0, a site that focuses on what African-Americans are doing in technology. I also like this because it gives black people an opportunity to understand and focus on what affects them in technology in particular.
With the success a few young people have enjoyed, I hope we find and nurture more young talent that can create websites and applications relevant to the needs of our community. A few ideas come to mind such as creating apps that help people to report and record crime, suspicious activity, illegal dumping of toxic material in our neighborhoods to help reduce crime. Not only that but I hope more innovation can come that will enhance the economic wellbeing of Africans and African-Americans. This is a call to action for Africans to begin developing apps and sites that are relevant to African needs.
Read more about this on CNN Money