Before Christianity came to Europe, white people were pagans practicing Wicca which is basically divination, spirit mediums and other occult practices. The Greeks and the Romans practiced pluralistic religions where they had multiple gods such as Zeus, Minerva, mercury and Juno and eventually embraced Christianity. The early American immigrant settlers in Massachusetts like John Winthrop and his colony were Christians and recognized just Christianity as their sole religion but other Europeans who came to America had a polytheistic view of religion which means that though they practiced Christianity they also embraced Greek and Roman gods something which the founding fathers accepted.
The Euro American god is not the same as the Biblical God of Christianity. The Christian God forbids the erections of statues to represent him and the worship or praise of other Gods. All across America there are symbols of Greek and Roman gods who the Euro Americans white people pay homage to. The Library of Congress describes the Capitol building architecture as “The Roman Pantheon — the circular domed rotunda dedicated to all pagan gods”. The painting shows the Roman god Minerva instructing Ben Franklin on science and gods Neptune and Venus holding the telegraph cables.

One of Washington’s most famous structures is the Washington monument, this is a Greek or Roman mythology and not associated with Christianity. The Supreme Court building is known as the temple of Justice, a temple is a building devoted to worship in this case the roman goddess of justice. This is why their cultural practices are sometimes at odds with Christian teachings which forbid the erection of statues and idols. European spirituality and religion has always been altered to suit a political agenda. This is the reason that the Christian text was translated to meet the agenda of the day and changed words such as ‘servant’ to slave to justify the American slave trade.
“Shew me a penny. Whose image and superscription hath it? They answered and said, Caesar’s. And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s.”
In modern times the Euro American or western Christianity has adopted Hindu practices and now incorporated Yoga and eastern meditation as part of their practice. A hundred years from now people with be saying that yoga is a white man’s religion but nothing can be further from the truth. They have just adopted it and are able to showcase it because the western Christians have more influence in mass media.
In Africa that is why missionaries were sometimes used in the colonization of Africans. The missionaries put forth their political agenda before the religion. The political agenda at the time was exploiting resources of Africans above all else and for that they were willing to set aside the teachings of the sacred text the Holy Bible in favor of maintaining economic dominance.
The capitol and all of Washington DC are a reflection of the gods that the white Americans value and serve and these are Roman and Greek gods not to be confused with the God of the Christian faith. So when black Americans practice Christianity they are not worshiping the god of the oppressors of their forefathers, they are worshiping the real Christian God of the Bible.
One response to “Worship of Real Christian God v. European gods”
How true. Indeed if one goes to the root of “Christianity” this term was non-existent until years after the Apostles had evangelized the territories surrounding Greece. The proper term is follower of Messiah, or Christ – from which the Greeks derived the term “Christianity” – as is translated in Greek.
The origins of the faith of the followers of Messiah is Judaism; as Messiah put it “Salvation is of the Jews”. One must necessarily know this, to understand that the association of Christianity with Europeans is sad and wrong: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were known among the children of Ham even more than the other children of Shem: courtesy of Jacob’s sojourn in Ancient Egypt Judaism was in Africa before it even reached Asia. It is no wonder that there was a thriving political and military alliance between Egypt and Kush and Judah, than even between Judah and the so-called children of Ishmael. These facts are thoroughly documented in the Hebrew Scriptures, especially from Kings Jeremiah.
Regardless of the obvious European influence in its modern spread, it is more of a lost african faith – at least to parts of Africa – than it is an European faith, because the roots were known among Africans before Europe, not only among some tribes among modern Ethiopians, but there were thriving communities of other Bantu African practitioners of the faith even before Christianity. Look up the Lemba of parts of southern Africa and their history.
If anyone has profaned the faith it is the European even worse than some Jewish leaders whom Messiah called “children of the devil”. The Europeans have profaned The Name of Messiah through the senseless violence from greed they have perpetrated across the world whilst holding high the “banner of Christ”. Where have they not done violence whist preaching their “chosenness” by God? Did the not ascribe their reprobate wickedness to God? What else should we infer from their own hymnal “When britains first at heavens command….”
As Apostle Paul said: If we or an Angel from heaven preach a Messiah other that which we have preached let him be accursed!
Cursed is “white european jesus” and all those who preach him. It is a distraction from the knowledge of the true Son of God.
Let us look after the true Son of God who is no respecter of persons:v
John 3:17
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through Him. Whoever believes in The Son is not condemned. Whosoever does not believe is already condemned because he has not believed in The only begotten Son of God.
One God, One Faith!