It was common practice in the past that when a young man wanted to marry a young woman he went to her people with an income generating tool that suited that Agrarian society. It was…
Forbes has just announced its list of the wealthiest Africans and some come as no surprise. It is amazing that wealth continues to grow faster than ever before on the so called "dark continent" while Europe languishes in debt. Forbes' list features…
Tell me this: which part of the world has seen its number of democracies increase nearly eight-fold in just two decades? Eastern Europe? No, it’s Africa. Which continent has six of the ten fastest growing economies in the world? Asia? No, it’s Africa. Which country is predicted by some to have the highest average GDP growth in the world over the next 40 years?...
Today there are unprecedented opportunities to trade and grow, raise living standards and lift billions from poverty. So I urge you: seize these opportunities, grab them, shape them.”
These men were once refugees but went on to become Presidents of Namibia, Ghana and South Africa. Their contributions to the independence of their countries does and to politics in Africa remain to this day. SAM NUJOMA …
The United Nations Commissioner for Refugees is celebrating 60 years and recognizing refugees who have made a difference in the world. Our list focuses on African Refugees who are making a difference especially in the communities they now call home. They have conquered…
The Man Who Stopped the Desert This remarkable documentary chronicles the kind of story coming out of Africa that we don't hear on any major news network. It is a story of how everyday people make a difference in their community. Yacouba…
The 47th Chicago International Film Festival is running from Oct 6-20 2011 and this year’s theme is “what the world is watching"…. See for yourself” for more details go to or AMC River East 21 322 E. Illinois St.…
The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King and the impact of his life stretches from Birmingham Alabama to India to Tete Mozambique to Ghana. His work had a tremendous impact on African countries and their quest for freedom and he too was…