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The Truth About Black Economics under Ronald Reagan

While many Republican politicians use Ronald Reagan as the gold standard for what works, it is important for us to examine how his policies affected black people in America. As the infographic below shows, during the Ronald Reagan administration black income, poverty status and unemployment levels, and the economic gap between blacks and whites widened.

Reagan’s support for Black America was more symbolic than substantive. He can be credited for signing the law that made Martin Luther King’s birthday a national holiday. However, his policies did not change the economic well being of African Americans as a whole. The proof is in the statistics, the numbers don’t lie. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics began recording the economic condition of African Americans separately as a group in 1950s, and their data shows:

·        In 1954 (pre- civil rights era) Black unemployment averaged 9.9% while White unemployment was at 5%

·        In 2013 under Obama Administration Black unemployment averaged 12.6% while White unemployment was at 6.6%

·        The highest recorded black unemployment average of 19.5% was under the Reagan era compared to White unemployment which was at 8.4% 

The Truth about Black Economics under ronald reagan (1)

Statistical information obtained from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and The Pew research Center.


4 responses to “The Truth About Black Economics under Ronald Reagan”

  1. claire Avatar

    This is good stuff. We have never been given the true picture before just soundbites from our pastors.

  2. afro Avatar

    Whole whites yearn for Reagan & what he did 4 them, blacks have no business heralding him as hero. What did Ronald do for black people that causes black republicans to applaud when most economic indicators reflect blacks were worse off?

  3. Adeniran Adeleke Avatar
    Adeniran Adeleke

    With what Mr Donald Trump has in store for Afrcan Americans as monitored from his campaigns
    It is unbelievable to hear that he is being adopted by the blacks.If there are blacks adopting him, such
    do not belong to the main stream of blacks that are normally affected by the the social and edonomic policies of US Government.

  4. lisa k Avatar
    lisa k

    actually black unemployment under reagan fell to 11% (lower than under obama.)